Create a Thriving, Drug-Free Workplace!

Free Info Packets, Flyers, and More.

You already know that substance misuse is a growing problem, especially in Pennsylvania. But did you also know that MOST people suffering from addiction are employed full-time? Workplaces have the power to help their employees get back on their feet, and they tend to be more successful with their efforts. Pressure from the workplace helps people get into treatment earlier and gives them an ongoing reason to maintain recovery.

Discover why having a Workplace Policy in place and providing Drug Misuse Programming is beneficial to both your employees and your business with our FREE to download tools and resources. Avoid high healthcare costs, absenteeism, turnover, and more by downloading our items below.

Anyone Can Develop A Substance Use Disorder. Anyone.

Couple in counseling session

Workplace Toolkit

Find Tips on Creating a Drug-Free Workplace Policy, RX Storage and Disposal Tips.

pastop friends hugging at summer party


Use Our Eye-Catching Postcard For Your Next Mailer Campaign.

pastop senior counselor talking man

Breakroom Poster

Create a Safe, Successful Work Environment With Our Poster! Custom Options Available.

pastop happy mixed three generations family hug

Print Ads

3 Sizes OR 8 Publications Pre-Designed For Your Needs!

Check Stuffer

Mail Your Checks? Include Our Free Check Stuffer.

pastop senior hispanic parents with adult children

Spanish Toolkit

Tools and Resources in Spanish. Custom Options Available.

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If you are looking for custom outdoor, branded media or assistance with actual messaging campaign issues, please fill out the following form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

All media on this page is subject to the existing PAStop usage guidelines. These messaging materials use elements from the CPA+PAStop “Anyone Can Develop A Substance Use Disorder. Anyone.” theme.

All other language and content on this page ©2022 Commonwealth Prevention Alliance