For Prevention Professionals:
For 2021, we are relaunching this website and trying to update all available tools as quickly as possible. There are NEW initiatives that have just been approved and new ones on the near horizon that we are very excited about and hope you will be as well.
In addition to all the PA Stop messaging and information, we also urge you to hop over to the sister campaign: “PA Start” which is a similarly robust library and archive of ongoing initiatives designed for Primary Prevention efforts to our youth. Vaping, Mental Health, Marijuana, Tobacco and Alcohol are all covered on that site.
Please get involved – we need all of you to USE these tools to make them ubiquitous across Pennsylvania and for them to work. We need to hear from all of you about what else you’d like to see or help develop.
Please check out the pages of articles, information, materials, and advertising tools to help guide your local and statewide efforts.