
CPA – PA Prevention Week 2020

Prevention Week  (May 11 – 15, 2020) is a campaign dedicated to increasing the prevention of substance use and promotion of mental health by advancing prevention year-round. The week long PA Prevention Week observance brings individuals, organizations, coalitions, states, and communities together to celebrate the events and activities that communities have held all year to raise awareness about the importance of preventing substance use and mental disorders.  Learn more about how you can participate in this year’s PA Prevention Week HERE.


  1. Highlight the importance of Primary Prevention
  2. Showcase the usefulness of the PAYS Survey and data-driven decision-making
  3. Discuss the impacts of prevention efforts in our communities by Single County Authorities and Coalitions across the commonwealth.

Who Gets Involved in Prevention Week

Community-based organizations, schools, community leaders, and behavioral health coalitions are the primary hosts of local Prevention Week Virtual Events. However, everyone can take part in and plan events tailored towards your community.

Remember, as a Single County Authority or Prevention Coalition it’s beneficial to include anyone that touches prevention in your planning and promotion for virtual events, such as those involved in law enforcement, the medical community, faith-based institutions and organizations, and the military community.

We all have a role to play in prevention, and a powerful perspective to bring to the table.

The NEED for Prevention is NOW!

Join us at 10:00 a.m. daily, for a series of 15-minute discussions, with state and community leaders focusing on the following topics. These videos will premiere on the CPA Facebook Page.

Mon., May 11: The History and Science of Prevention
Tue., May 12: PAYS and Data Driven Decision Making
Wed., May 13: Intensifying Primary Prevention in Communities
Thu., May 14:  Youth Involvement in Primary Prevention Conversations
Fri., May 15:  Weekly Recap with an Advocacy Twist

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